IPON Coordinator and Martin Patzelt in the House of Representatives while human rights defenders could speak up for their cases.

Two days ago, IPON project coordinator Dominik Hammann and Mr. Patzelt from the German Parliament had the chance to visit the House of Representatives and the Senate in Manila. At the Congress they had the chance to meet congresswoman Cheryl Deloso-Montalla and other representatives of the of the Human Rights Committee in order to discuss the effects of the possible ratification of the House Bill Number 1 („Restoration of the Death Penalty) and House Bill Number 2… („Lowering of the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility“) in regards of human rights. Later on Mr. Patzelt and Dominik Hamman also had the chance to meet the senators Leila de Lima and Risa Hontiveros to talk about the importance of independant human rights advocacy and to discuss the latest alarming developments in regards to President Duterte’s War on Drugs and Extrajudicial killings. On the same day our partner Evangeline Silva had…

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The second half of our delegation trip begins:

Another productive day for the IPON-Delegation Trip and its partners. Today we had the chance to meet with the Assistant Secretary Elmer Distor of the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) in order to discuss current human rights violations in Negros. Our partners Zara Alvarez, Clarizza Singson Dagatan from KARAPATAN and Evangeline Silva, as well as the German politican Martin Patzelt and various members of IPON had the chance to engage into an open dialogue with the objective to work cooperatively on the implementation of the Agrarian Reform. Similar productive debates were held on a later occasion at the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) with Gina Lopez who actively discussed with our partners future strategies to strengthen human rights cases.

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Another Big day during the Delegation Trip: IPON at the round table

Yesterday we had the chance to participate at a round table which was hosted by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Manila. Human rights defenders (HRD) from various sectors had the chance to present their cases and to discuss the current human rights situation in the Philippines. A focal point in the discussion at the round table concerned the question which challenges human rights defenders are facing under the new administration of president Duterte.… After these constructive debates and with the newly gained impressions Mr. Patzelt and Mr. Hasper from the German Embassy attended a meeting with the Secretary of the Interior and Local Government Ismael Sueno at the Ministry of the Interior. The day ended with a visit of our partners Zara Alvarez, Cucoy Tulawie and Evangeline Silva at the Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines The talks with the chairman of the Commission of…

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Let the trip Begin: Finally the yearly delegation trip has started

As every year, IPON has organized an annual Delegation Trip which started two days ago. In the late hours of Friday evening, Martin Patzelt, member of the German parliament and special rapporteur of Southeast Asia for the parliamentary committee for human rights, arrived in Metro Manila. From October 8th until October 16th, Mr. Patzelt takes part in our annual delegation trip to meet different Filipino key players regarding the matters of human rights. During this week, Mr. P…atzelt will be accompanied by three of our partners. This special occasion gives the Human Rights defenders the opportunity to share their personal experiences with Mr. Patzelt as well as to speak up for their cases in official meetings with central governmental stakeholders. But there is still a lot to do, as Dominik, our country coordinator, explains in the video below.  https://www.facebook.com/ipon.philippines/videos/1458362640847648/ While the preparations went on in Manila, two IPON…

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10 Years IPON: Click through the Gallery

As part of our 10 year anniversary celebration we are launching our #10yearsIPON-photo campaign. Starting today we will post photos of IPON partners, friends and human rights activists that have been part of our project for the past 10 years. First is Jessie J. Colegado – vice president of PADATA. PADATA is an organization of indigenous people in Bukidnon, that IPON has been working with since January 2012. Our partner this week, for the #10yearsIPON photo campaign, is Zara Alvarez. She is a Human Rights Defender from Negros Occidental which suffers under two trump up charges against her, which were a result of dedication to uncover Human Rights Violations and report them. Temporarily, she was even in prison because of one of the charges. Both cases are still pending since they are constantly postpone for more than 1 ½ years now. For further information about her…

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PADATA Jahresrückblick 2015/2016

Nur noch wenige Tage, dann geht mein Jahr hier in den Philippinen zu Ende. Ein Jahr bedeutet unter anderem ein Jahr Zusammenarbeit mit PADATA. Ein Jahr sind auch 5 Besuche im Sitio in Dagumbaan bei PADATA. Ein Jahr ist aber  auch ein Mix zwischen Freude, Spaß, Verzweiflung und Trauer. Und so wie alles einen Anfang hat, so hat auch dieses Jahr ein Ende und dies bedeutet für mich ein Jahr Arbeit mit PADATA Revue passieren zu lassen. Aber der Reihenfolge nach: Nachdem IPON 2015 beschlossen hat, weiter mit PADATA zu arbeiten, um den Verlauf des CADT (Certificat of Ancestral Domain Title) Antrags abzuwarten, hat sich vielleicht nicht viel verändert, aber es hat sich etwas verändert. Oft sind es nur kleine Nuancen, die sich verändern, kleine Teile die dann irgendwann die große Summe machen werden. Ich hoffe, dass ich mit etwas Abstand und Reflexion in Zukunft weitere Veränderungen erkennen kann, die…

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Mindanao – Exit

Anfang März 2016 schlossen wir das Büro in Malaybalay City und führten es mit dem bereits bestehenden Office in Bacolod auf der Insel Negros zusammen. Die drei Teammitglieder Alex, Anna und Susi beendeten ihren sechsmonatigen Philippinenaufenthalt mit dem Rückflug nach Deutschland am 09.03.2016, während Chris für weitere sechs Monate von Negros aus arbeitete. IPON ist seit einer geraumen Zeit im Weltwärts-Programm des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit (BMZ) akkreditiert und kann es damit einigen Freiwilligen ermöglichen im Rahmen eines Weltwärts-Stipendium auszureisen. Im Mai 2015 veröffentlichte das deutsche Auswärtige Amt jedoch eine akute Reisewarnung für fast ganz Mindanao. Dies bedeutete auch eine Sperre für Stipendiaten des Weltwärts-Programms für diese Region, da das BMZ nicht für die Sicherheit seiner Stipendiaten garantieren konnte. Stipendiaten des Weltwärts-Programms dürfen seit dem nur noch nach Davao reisen. Die Entscheidung des BMZ wurde zudem von der Organisation Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) mit…

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REPORT: On Dangerous Ground from GLOBAL WITNESS

„The environment is emerging as a new battleground for human rights. As demand for products like timber, minerals and palm oil continues, governments, companies and criminal gangs are exploiting land with little regard for the people who live on it.“ Below you find the link to the report: https://www.globalwitness.org/en/reports/dangerous-ground/…

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The Case of Evangeline Silva

Evangeline Silva is a 43 years old professional human rights activist. She is a farmer, who became a political activist during her school days. She is currently the elected national president of the farmworker organization “Pesante” and worked before for the local government as Barangay councilor, assigned to environment and land use from 2007 to 2013. In September 3, 2013, her late husband and she submitted a petition to the Department of Agrarian Reform for cancellation of certificates of land ownership since they were not considered in the distribution process. After that submission harassments against them started, which most likely led to the death of her late husband, Agapito P. Silva (Aga), in February 3rd, 2015. He was killed by the police while he was supposedly holding his family hostage and under the influence of drugs. The death is questionable since the reason for the police action was based…

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Davao City Mayor Duterte Leading Polls Two Days Before Philippines Elect New President

It’s Saturday May 7 2016 – two days before the Philippine presidential elections. The Philippines is a constitutional republic in which the president enjoys extensive powers. Elected for a single six year term, he or she is not only both head of state and head of government, but also appoints and presides over the cabinet. To become president no majority of votes is needed, but the candidate with the highest number of votes wins. For the coming term 5 candidates have entered the race: current vice-president Jejomar Binay, Mar Roxas, currently Secretary of Interior and Local Government, Senator Grace Poe, Senator and former ICC judge Miriam Defensor Santiago and Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte. In the run up to the elections especially the candidacy of Mayor Duterte has received a lot of attention. With his categorical and often provoking statements Duterte has polarized the Philippine public. There are his supporters…

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